If you do not intend to participate to the social dinner, please inform us within Tuesday, July 9th.

The opening ceremony and welcome reception will be at the Aula Magna of the University of Perugia on the 7th of July while the conference will be at the Hotel Giò Conference Center in Via Ruggero D'Andreotto, 19 06124 Perugia (Pg) from 8th to 12th of July 2024.

A walking tour around the Perugia city center with an official touristic guide will be organized.
The guided tour will take approximately 2 hours and 30 minutes: During the tour of Perugia you will be able to visit:

  • Rocca Paolina and Porta Marzia
  • Vannucci Course
  • Palazzo dei Priori and Sala dei Notari
  • Cathedral
  • Major Fountain
  • Etruscan Arch
  • Medieval alleys and panoramic views

The conference participants have been divided into three groups: check your badge to find the group (A, B or C) to which you have been assigned.

  • Group A - Departure from Hotel Giò at 8:40 am – Tour duration 9:00 am – 11:30 am
  • Group B – Departure from Hotel Giò at 9:10 am – Tour duration 9:30 am – 12:00 am
  • Group C – Departure from Hotel Giò at 9:40 am – Tour duration 10:00 am – 12:30 am.
    The city center will be reached by Minimetro, the tickets will be provided by the organizers. For those staying in hotels located in the city center, the meeting point is the Pincetto Minimetro station, and the meeting time is 9:00 am for Group A, 9:30 am for Group B, 10:00 for Group C.

On July 11th , the social dinner will be at Villa Buitoni, which will be reached by bus. The meeting point for the social dinner will be the Hotel Giò reception. The departure time will be communicated during the conference.

During the conference period, Perugia will host Umbria Jazz which is a ten days festival organized during the month of July, to which Perugia devotes itself and embraces the best of Italian and International Jazz. Umbria Jazz Festival is one of the most important jazz festivals in the world and has been held annually since 1973, usually in the month of July.

The live show is organized with free and itinerant tour of concerts among some of the most beautiful locations of the city of Perugia.